The upper pole is normal and shows good corticomedullary demarcations. 肾上极正常,皮、髓质分界清楚。
Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole. 肾脏上极更大的单纯性肾囊肿,还有一些小囊肿散布于肾脏。
Laparoscopic upper pole partial nephrectomy for an obstructed upper pole moiety is a safe treatment modality with low morbidity and good outcomes. 结论:腹腔镜的上肾肾部分切除术对于梗阻的上肾部分治疗是一种安全的,低死亡率而效果良好的治疗方式。
There is a relatively normal kidney at the left with only a few scattered, shallow cortical scars and one fairly large pale tan-yellow scar in the upper pole. 左侧为相对正常的右肾,仅有少量散在的浅的皮质瘢痕,肾上极有大的黄褐色瘢痕。
When symptomatic due to urinary tract infection or flank pain, the standard surgical treatment is upper pole heminephrectomy. 患者如存在泌尿系感染或侧腹疼痛导致的症状可行上肾肾部分切除术的规范外科治疗。
We report our experience with laparoscopic upper pole partial nephrectomy ( LUPPN) in adult patients with a duplicated collecting system and an obstructed, poorly functioning upper pole renal moiety. 我们报道了在成年重复肾集合系统患者存在梗阻性功能较差的上肾中运用腹腔镜行上肾肾部分切除术(LUPPN)的有关治疗经验。
There are two or more adjustment parts on the upper part of the filter pole while there are two or more sets of sawtooth-shaped barbs on the lower part of the pre-built-in part. 滤杆的上部有两个或两个以上调节件,预埋件的下部有两组或两组以上的锯齿形倒钩。
The use of double selection for the prosthesis and major pectoral muscle padding above the upper pole of the prosthesis in augmentation mammoplasty 假体容积的双重选择及假体上极胸大肌填充隆乳术
Among the patients, 21 patients were transverse fracture, 23 patients were comminuted fracture, 2 patients were fracture of lower pole, and 1 patient was fracture of upper pole. 其中,横断骨折21例,粉碎性骨折23例,下极骨折2例,上极骨折1例。
The consistency of constraint indices for output variance and pole is analyzed first. By means of linear matrix inequality ( LMI) approach, a good range is presented for output variance upper bound ( and lower bound) index that is consistent to a given pole index. 先分析这两类约束指标的相容性,利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,给出与极点指标相容的输出方差上界(或下界)指标的较好取值范围。
Results Gastrointestinal bleeding was found in 83 cases by the imaging examination, among whom 6 were misdiagnosed due to Meckel's diverticulum, hydronephrosis at the upper pole of the right kidney or deformity of the blood vessels in the abdominal cavity. 结果发现出血83例,其中6例因麦克尔憩室、右肾上极积水及腹腔血管畸形而误诊阳性。
Observation of curative effect in treatment of comminuted fracture in upper or inferior pole of patella by partial patellectomy and extending knee installation reconstruction 髌骨部分切除伸膝装置重建术治疗髌骨上、下极粉碎性骨折
Range of upper bound index on error state variance that is consistent with circular pole index is discussed for state estimation of a class of linear stochastic systems. 对一类连续线性随机系统的估计问题,研究了与圆形极点指标相容的误差状态方差上界指标的取值范围,从而给出直接判定方差上界指标与极点指标相容的一个充分条件。
CT and MRI re-vealed a cystic and solid mass located in the upper pole of the right kidney. A diagnosis of benign lesion was made before operation. 查体发现右肾占位性病变6d,CT及MRI示右肾上极囊实性占位,术前诊断良性病变。
Nephrolithotomy with posterior renal segment resection 2 cases received upper pole partial nephroureterectomy. 肾后段切除取石术(附41例报告)2例行上肾段及输尿管切除术。
Upper pole partial nephroureterectomy or excision of the ureterocele with reimplantation of the ureter is one of the major methods for treatment. 上肾段及输尿管切除或囊肿切除加输尿管膀胱再吻合术方法简单,效果良好,是基本治疗手段之一。
Cases received upper pole partial nephroureterectomy. 2例行上肾段及输尿管切除术。
In the other case after upper pole nephroureterectomy further excision of the ureter remnant and the ureterocele was undertaken because of repeated attacks of urinary tract infection. 除1例上肾段及输尿管切除术后仍反复泌尿系感染而再行输尿管残端及囊肿切除外,均一次手术治愈。
The range of steady variance upper index and H-infinity index is analyzed in detail, and the two indices are consistent with assignable pole index. Based on the above consistent analysis, an effective SFT controller design step is developed. 分析了与可配置极点指标相容的方差指标、H∞指标的取值范围,并在指标相容的基础上给出了有效的容错控制器设计方法。
Metastatic lymph nodes may found in the lateral compartment of cervical lymph node and free in the central compartment in the upper pole PTC. 甲状腺上极的肿瘤可以先出现颈外侧区淋巴结转移。
In the measurement, the rectus femoris muscle mixed department and tendon tissue at the junction known as the starting point of the rectus femoris tendon, end to the part of the patella on the upper pole called ending point. 我们在测量中将股直肌中肌肉混合部与股直肌腱性组织的交界处称作股直肌肌腱的起点,止于髌骨上极的部分称为止点。
Patients did not occur complications such as nephroptosis and hemorrhage around renal pedicle. Conclusion: Retroperitoneoscopic Ligation of Renal Pedicle Lymphatic Vessels via suspension and ligation of the fascia of upper pole of kidney is safe and feasible and is worth promoting in further clinical application. 结论:经后腹腔镜肾上极筋膜悬吊结扎法肾蒂淋巴管结扎术是治疗乳糜尿是一种安全、可行的手术方法,值得临床推广。